Anzu is a practicing artivist living between Cape Town and Toulouse (France). He has worked on a variety of solo and group projects, exhibitions and productions within South Africa, Mexico, France and Germany.
AnZu studied architecture at the University of Cape Town and has a proficiency in 3D conception and design that is brought to existence through the knowledge of materials particularly wood, hot glass, metals and paper.
AnZu collaborates in a number of creative realms that span theatre, film, architecture, design, exhibitions, sculpture and painting for the conception and fabrication of public and domestic interaction.
Other projects that have been conceived are :
‘Charged with 1000 Horse’ adapted from ‘Tamberlain the Great’ by Christopher Marlow directed by Hauke Lanz, Berlin 1996
‘People Powered Entertainment Console’ exhibited by the Malpitte at the National Gallery of Cape Town 2002 and at the Cape Town City Festival 2003
‘Voyage Ensemble’ Scalabrini Centre, Cape Town, South Africa 2007 and HIFA national art festival Zimbabwe
‘Rudoscope’ recycling museum City of Graulhet, France 2010
‘Lucie et L’Ogresse’ puppet theatre Graulhet, France 2011
‘The Midas Touch’ Mandela Rhodes, Cape Town 2011
‘Red in the Rainbow’ The Gateway, Waterfront, Cape Town, South Africa 2012
‘La Chambre Blanche’ a film by Bertand Lenclos, Graulhet, France 2013
‘Manifeste du Champignon’ exhibition at L’ibère Familier, Graulhet, France 2014
UPCOMING PROJECT : HAUKE LANZ compagnie Deus Ex Machina - with 1,2,3 les Timides : Le 5ème élément
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